Sunday, January 2, 2011

If you got an F...

or similar grade, please contact me. It might be that I am missing one of your lab grades.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


for final exam are posted. quiz grades up shortly.
contact me if you took the final but don't see a grade in blackboard.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Quiz 4 questions

1) In a database, a record is roughly the equivalent of an Excel
a) column
b) row
c) cell
d) tab

2) The Access object which lets you modify records in a controlled manner is a:
a) query
b) table
c) form
d) report

3) Why would I want to make first name and last name indexes of a table?

4) A primary key is:
a) one used to lock a table
b) one used to unlock a table
c) used to uniquely identify a record in a table
d) a key used by an ape

5) Solver is better than Goal Seek because
a) it allows you to specify constraints
b) it allows you to fiddle with multiple cells
c) it allows you to seek maximums and minimums
d) all of the above

6) If I want a list of all people named Joshua whose age is more than 50, I would write:
a) SELECT LastName, SSN, Age, FirstName
FROM Customer
WHERE Age>50 AND FirstName="Joshua"
b) SELECT LastName, SSN, Age, FirstName
FROM Customer
WHERE Age>50 OR FirstName="Joshua"
c) UPDATE Customer
SET FirstName="Josh"
WHERE Age > 50

7) When Descartes turned down a beer in a bar,
a) he appeared
b) he reappeared
c) he disappeared
d) none of the above

8) The Internet is the same as the Web:
a) true
b) false

9) Explain

10) In,
the http is the
a) protocol
b) filename
c) hypertext
d) widget

11) In, the domain is:
a) http
d) org

12) An example of a top level domain is:
a) .edu
b) .co
d) www

Quiz 3 Questions

1) If I want to borrow $1,000 today, and the APR is 6%, compounded quarterly (that is, four times per year), what will be the value of that investment 10 years from now? Let me know what EXCEL function you would use, as well as the values for each of the parameters. (You don't need to have them in the right order -- just identify the parameters and their values.)

2) Describe, in one sentence, the Turing Test. (Just enough so that I know that you know what it means.)

3) An example of a programming language used for Server-Side scripting is:
a) Java
b) JavaScript
c) Visual Basic for Applications
d) PHP

4) What is a cookie?

5) Give me an example of a Unix command.

1) If I want to invest $1,000 today, and the APR is 6%, compounded monthly (that is, twelve times per year), and I eventually want to have $1 million, how long should I leave that money in the account? Let me know what EXCEL function you would use, as well as the values for each of the parameters. (You don't need to have them in the right order -- just identify the parameters and their values.)

2) Describe, in one sentence, an expert system. (Just enough so that I know that you know what it means.)

3) An example of a programming language used for Client-Side scripting is:
a) Java
b) JavaScript
c) Visual Basic for Applications
d) PHP

4) Who gets to read a cookie which has been written to your hard drive?

5) Give me an example of a DOS command.

1) If I want to invest $1,000 today, and have $1 million ten years from now, what will be the annual rate of return? Let me know what EXCEL function you would use, as well as the values for each of the parameters. (You don't need to have them in the right order -- just identify the parameters and their values.)

2) Describe, in one sentence, decision tree. (Just enough so that I know that you know what it means.)

3) An example of a programming language used for Server-Side scripting is:
a) Java
b) JavaScript
c) Visual Basic for Applications
d) PHP

4) Why are third-party cookies a privacy risk?

5) What does the CD command do, in either Unix or DOS?