decision making
VB program to calculate semester avg
Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click()
Dim semesterAverage As Integer
Dim midterm As Integer
Dim final As Integer
Dim bribe As Integer
' get input
midterm = txtMidterm.Text
final = txtFinal.Text
bribe = Val(txtBribe.Text)
' processing
If bribe >= 50 Then
semesterAverage = 100
semesterAverage = (midterm + final) / 2
End If
' output results
cmdCalculate.Caption = semesterAverage
End Sub
HW: Make a greeting line, where if
the Title is absent,
do something intelligent
HW: In Word MergeFields, use an If Else.
If the person has a pet, inquire about the
pet's well-being, by name. Otherwise, suggest
that they adopt a pet.
using the Name box
default is to name Absolute References
HW: In excel, using an If, taking in midterm, final, bribe, calculate semester average
Use names for it. All you need to submit is the formula, not a whole spreadsheet
=IF(Subtotal>=100, (Subtotal+TaxAmt)*DiscountPercentage, 0)
It turns out that TRUE is 1.
It turns out that FALSE is 0.
HW: Using nesting, calculate a 20% discount
for over $200, a 10% discount for over $100,
otherwise, nothing
Styles are defined within CSS
Cascading Style Sheets
selector declaration
p {color:red;text-align:center;}
Quiz two mondays from now, only up to this lecture